Sunday, December 9, 2012

a superb oleander

Andre Gide gets excited by the sight of an Oleander after a long journey...
'I should also say we had a good journey. We arrived here in the evening, exhausted by the heat, stimulated by the novelty, having stopped only briefly in Algiers and Constantine. At Constantine we caught another train to Sidi b. M., where a small cart was waiting for us.The road peters out someway short of the village, which is perched high on a rock like certain towns in Umbria. We climbed up on foot; a pair of mules carried our baggage. By this route, Michel's is the first house one comes to in the village. It is surrounded by a walled garden, or rather a paddock, in which grew three stunted pomegranate trees and a superb oleander.'  Andre Gide (L'Immoraliste) The Immoralist 1902

Oleander blossom makes a wonderful cut flower. The flowers are sweetly perfumed and have long vase life. When handling Oleander wear gloves and wash hands after touching cut stems.

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